Ludi Lin

Best known as a Supporting Actor based on credits in that role in 2 films, with $1,131,898,260 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #2,462)
Best-known acting roles: Murk (Aquaman), Zack/Black Ranger (Power Rangers), Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
Most productive collaborators: James Wan, Jason Momoa, Peter Safran, Amber Heard, Rob Cowan

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Career Summary

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
As an ActorSupporting2$335,061,807$796,836,453$1,131,898,260
Lead Ensemble Member2$127,690,481$98,349,330$226,039,811

Career Trend

This graph shows Ludi Lin’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. The Star Score represents points assigned to each of the leading stars of the top 100 movies (based on box office) in the current year and two preceding years. For appearing in the number one movie in a year a star gets 100 points, the number two movie 99 points and so on..

Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists

Featured Blu-ray and DVD Review: Power Rangers

June 25th, 2017

Power Rangers

Power Rangers, the TV show, has been around for more than 20 years and it is still going strong. Power Rangers, the movie, was supposed to setup a six-part franchise, but its box office numbers probably killed any chance of that happening. Were moviegoers spared five more of these? Or was there enough here that fans would have been looking forward to more? More...

2017 Preview: March

March 1st, 2017

Beauty and the Beast

February was an okay month. The films that missed expectations were mostly balanced by the films that were pleasant surprises. Unfortunately, last February was amazing as Deadpool dominated the chart, so 2017 has fallen further behind 2016 and 2016’s lead is now about $100 million. It is not so bad that a good March won’t help 2017 back into the lead. Will that happen? We have some good news and some bad news. Good news: Every week there is one movie that has at least a shot at $100 million. Two of them, Logan and Beauty and the Beast, could reach $200 million or a lot more. Bad News: last March, both Zootopia and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice earned more than $300 million. That’s a really powerful one-two punch and I don’t think we can replicate that this time around. On the other hand, last March, the third best film of the month was 10 Cloverfield Lane, while there were four films that were expected to open wide that earned less than $10 million at the box office. 2017 likely won’t be as good at the top, but I also don’t think it will have as many bombs either. If Beauty and the Beast reaches the very high end of expectations, then 2017 could even close the gap with 2016 entirely. I’ll be happy getting halfway there. More...

All Acting Credits

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Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
Aug 16, 2024Art Of Eight Limbs Scott Schiff
Apr 23, 2021Mortal Kombat Liu Kang $42,326,031$41,182,228$83,508,259
Feb 5, 2021Son of the South $48,558$48,558
Dec 21, 2018Aquaman Murk $335,061,807$796,787,895$1,131,849,702
Mar 24, 2017Power Rangers Zack/Black Ranger $85,364,450$57,167,102$142,531,552
Averages $154,250,763$223,796,446$339,484,518
Totals 5 $462,752,288$895,185,783$1,357,938,071

Leading or Lead Ensemble Roles

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Box Office
Box Office
Aug 16, 2024Art Of Eight Limbs
Apr 23, 2021Mortal Kombat $23,302,5033,114$42,326,031$83,508,25950.7%
Mar 24, 2017Power Rangers $40,300,2883,693$85,364,450$142,531,55259.9%
Averages $31,801,3963,404$63,845,241$113,019,90655.3%
Totals 3 $127,690,481$226,039,811

Supporting Roles

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Box Office
Box Office
Feb 5, 2021Son of the South $48,558
Dec 21, 2018Aquaman $67,873,5224,184$335,061,807$1,131,849,70229.6%
Averages $67,873,5224,184$335,061,807$565,949,13029.6%
Totals 2 $335,061,807$1,131,898,260

Latest Ranking on All Acting Box Office Record Lists

Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 1,301-1,400) 1,359 $127,690,481
Top 100 Stars in Supporting Roles at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 4,301-4,400) 4,343 $335,061,807
Top Live Action Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 2,801-2,900) 2,827 $462,752,288
Top Above the Line Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 3,001-3,100) 3,017 $127,690,481
Top Below the Line Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 3,201-3,300) 3,205 $335,061,807
Top Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 3,301-3,400) 3,351 $462,752,288
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the International Box Office (Rank 1,701-1,800) 1,792 $98,349,330
Top 100 Stars in Supporting Roles at the International Box Office (Rank 1,901-2,000) 1,970 $796,836,453
Top Live Action Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 1,601-1,700) 1,633 $895,185,783
Top Above the Line Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 3,701-3,800) 3,781 $98,349,330
Top Below the Line Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,286 $796,836,453
Top Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 2,001-2,100) 2,083 $895,185,783
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 1,501-1,600) 1,550 $226,039,811
Top 100 Stars in Supporting Roles at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 2,401-2,500) 2,462 $1,131,898,260
Top Live Action Stars at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 1,901-2,000) 1,999 $1,357,938,071
Top Above the Line Stars at the Wordwide Box Office (Rank 3,301-3,400) 3,381 $226,039,811
Top Below the Line Stars at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 1,601-1,700) 1,634 $1,131,898,260
Top Stars at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 2,401-2,500) 2,451 $1,357,938,071
Highest Grossing Stars of 2017 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 201-300) 298 64
Highest Grossing Stars of 2018 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 301-400) 353 64
Highest Grossing Stars of 2019 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 301-400) 359 64
Highest Grossing Stars of 2021 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 201-300) 286 70
Highest Grossing Stars of 2022 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 201-300) 268 70
Highest Grossing Stars of 2023 at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 301-400) 330 70
Highest Grossing Stars of 2017 at the International Box Office (Rank 401-500) 477 13
Highest Grossing Stars of 2018 at the International Box Office (Rank 501-600) 532 13
Highest Grossing Stars of 2019 at the International Box Office (Rank 501-600) 523 13
Highest Grossing Stars of 2021 at the International Box Office (Rank 301-400) 388 39
Highest Grossing Stars of 2022 at the International Box Office (Rank 301-400) 380 39
Highest Grossing Stars of 2023 at the International Box Office (Rank 401-500) 423 39
Highest Grossing Stars of 2017 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 401-500) 407 40
Highest Grossing Stars of 2018 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 401-500) 462 40
Highest Grossing Stars of 2019 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 401-500) 455 40
Highest Grossing Stars of 2021 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 301-400) 364 50
Highest Grossing Stars of 2022 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 301-400) 372 50
Highest Grossing Stars of 2023 at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 401-500) 424 50
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Based on TV Movies (Rank 101-200) 165 $85,364,450
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Based on Game Movies 59 $42,326,031
Top International Leading Stars for Based on TV Movies (Rank 201-300) 232 $57,167,102
Top International Leading Stars for Based on Game Movies 84 $41,182,228
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Based on TV Movies (Rank 201-300) 209 $142,531,552
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Based on Game Movies 81 $83,508,259
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Animation/Live Action Movies (Rank 301-400) 311 $127,690,481
Top International Leading Stars for Animation/Live Action Movies (Rank 301-400) 391 $98,349,330
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Animation/Live Action Movies (Rank 301-400) 377 $226,039,811
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Kids Fiction Movies (Rank 401-500) 438 $85,364,450
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Fantasy Movies (Rank 301-400) 334 $42,326,031
Top International Leading Stars for Kids Fiction Movies (Rank 501-600) 596 $57,167,102
Top International Leading Stars for Fantasy Movies (Rank 401-500) 450 $41,182,228
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Kids Fiction Movies (Rank 501-600) 556 $142,531,552
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Fantasy Movies (Rank 301-400) 396 $83,508,259
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Action Movies (Rank 301-400) 398 $127,690,481
Top International Leading Stars for Action Movies (Rank 501-600) 599 $98,349,330
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Action Movies (Rank 501-600) 504 $226,039,811
Top Domestic Leading Stars for PG-13 Movies (Rank 801-900) 874 $85,364,450
Top Domestic Leading Stars for R Movies (Rank 1,001-1,100) 1,024 $42,326,031
Top International Leading Stars for PG-13 Movies (Rank 1,001-1,100) 1,022 $57,167,102
Top International Leading Stars for R Movies (Rank 801-900) 895 $41,182,228
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for PG-13 Movies (Rank 901-1,000) 966 $142,531,552
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for R Movies (Rank 901-1,000) 968 $83,508,259
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Warner Bros. Movies (Rank 701-800) 716 $42,326,031
Top Domestic Leading Stars for Lionsgate Movies 87 $85,364,450
Top International Leading Stars for Warner Bros. Movies (Rank 501-600) 599 $41,182,228
Top International Leading Stars for Lionsgate Movies (Rank 101-200) 172 $57,167,102
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Warner Bros. Movies (Rank 601-700) 650 $83,508,259
Top Worldwide Leading Stars for Lionsgate Movies (Rank 101-200) 129 $142,531,552

All Technical Credits